Iconic London Radiant Concealer & Brightening Duo + Brush Bundle - Neutral Light - Image 1

Iconic London Radiant Concealer & Brightening Duo + Brush Bundle - Neutral Light

Product code: #cm3iokgvf00149zih131uw80w

4.4 (310 reviews)

Sold by:iconiclondoninc.comiconiclondoninc.com


Snooze the alarm babe! Your AM routine will just take seconds. Lift, illuminate and conceal in one with your complexion’s new brightening BFF. Radiant Concealer & Brightening Duo & Concealer Brush is the perfect pairing to help you perfect your make-up and refresh your skin, covering up imperfections (whether that’s sleepless nights or a pesky pimple) – get ready for your best skin ever.

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