Plantur 39 Conditioner for Fine/Brittle Hair - This caffeine rich conditioner is formulated to prevent the exhaustion of hair production during and after the menopause. It contains active ingredients to protect within the first 2 minutes of hair conditioning and up to 24 hours after. Its conditioning agents to ensure that your hair style retains its volume. About hormonal hair loss in women. Until menopause, a woman's hair roots are protected based on high levels of female hormones (estrogen). After menopause, these hormone levels will decline and the impact of male hormones will increase. The Consequence The hair will grow thinner, fall out prematurely, and the scalp will become visible. The caffeine in these shampoos prevent the hormone-induced exhaustion of hair production. During hair washing, the active ingredient penetrates all the way into the hair follicle (detectable after 120 seconds). The hereditary hair loss pattern in men is caused by testosterone (DHT), which weakens hair follicles, slows down hair production and finally, the hair falls out. In women, the same biological process starts to happen once testosterone increases, although not as severe. Plantur 39 contains a natural caffeine extract which has been scientifically proven to protect the hair roots from free radicals and DHT's and helps to improve regeneration. During hair washing, the active ingredient penetrates into the scalp and the hair follicle and begins protecting within 2 minutes.